Omar Alzoubi, Davide Fossati, Barbara Di Eugenio, Nick Green and Lin Chen. Predicting Students' Performance and Problem Solving Behavior from iList Log Data. ICCE 2013, The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 127-132, Nov 18-22, 2013, Bali, Indonesia.

Barbara Di Eugenio, Camillo Lugaresi, Gail M Keenan, Yves A. Lussier, Jianrong Li, Mike Burton, Carol Friedman, Andrew D. Boyd, HospSum: Integrating physician discharge notes with coded nursing care data to generate patient-centric summaries, American Medical Informatics Association AMIA 2013 Annual Symposium, Washington DC, November 16-20th, 2013 (Abstract).

Barbara Di Eugenio, Nick Green, Rajen Subba.  Detecting Life Events in Feeds from Twitter. ICSC 2013, Seventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Irvine CA, September 16-18, 2013

Lin Chen and Barbara Di Eugenio. Multimodality and Dialogue Act Classification in the RoboHelper Project. SigDIal 2013, the  14th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue Metz, France, 22-24 August 2013, pp. 183–192.

Camillo Lugaresi and Barbara Di Eugenio. Translating Italian connectives into Italian Sign Language. ACL 2013,The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9, 2013, pp. 270--280. Judged as one of the "10 best papers of ACL 2013".

Yiwen Sun, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson and Barbara Di Eugenio. Articulate: Creating Meaningful Visualizations from Natural Language, In “Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics, Huang, M., Huang, W., editors. IGI Global

Barbara Di Eugenio, Lin Chen, Nick Green, Davide Fossati and Omar Alzoubi. Worked Out Examples in Computer Science Tutoring. AIED 2013, the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Memphis TN, July 2013 (Short paper)

N. Green, R. Bartholomew, U. Buy. Assessing Performance of Software Defined Radios on Multicore Hardware. SDR-WInnComm-Europe 2013, Munich Germany, June 2013